Thursday, February 18, 2016

Teething Baby!

I have three children, a 14 year old son, almost 4 year old daughter, and a 10 month old daughter.  Believe it or not, all 3 of them cut teeth!  All three of them whined and cried.  But honestly, I never remember teething being this hard! :(

My daughter becomes so clingy and whiny when she's teething.  And by "clingy" I mean she won't go to a single other person besides me!  And she won't sleep.  Ever.

S/N:  I did breastfeed her the longest, that could be a reason she's so close to me...

I have tried the ever-so-wonderful Sophie the Giraffe Teether, which she liked to chew on, but didn't help when she was in pain. I have tried the frozen wash cloth, teething tablets, teething necklaces, teething oils, orajel and good old Tylenol.

I'm a firm believer in doing whatever you can to alleviate your child's pain.  Which is usually doing something they love.  For all 3 of my kids it has been taking a bath and going outside.  Whether it be 2pm or 2am, we will be taking a bubbly, warm bath or taking a stroll outside.  This has been the only thing that seems to get her mind off the pain and help her relax.

I have began to realize that when a child is in pain, specifically teething pain, the only thing you can do is comfort them and wait for them to fall asleep, so you can too!


  1. There is nothing worse then hearing your little ones in pain...hoping you all get a good nights rest x

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